MATLAB: Mercator map projection from [X,Y] with known lat/lon coordinates

imageImage Processing ToolboxMapping Toolboxmercatorprojectionsatellite

I am working with a satellite image in simple binary, pixels are stored as 2-byte integers. I've used the code below to build a matrix. I am able to display the satellite's "native" view. What I need to do is map the X,Y to a mercator projection. I have the upperleft and lowerright lat/lon coordinates, so I am thinking this could probably be done, but I am not sure how or what functions I should be looking at. Any suggestions?
img = multibandread(file, [3712 3712 1], 'int16', 0, 'bil', 'ieee-le');
m = img(ROWa:ROWb,COLa:COLb);
[X,Y] = ind2sub(size(m), 1:numel(m));
Z = m(:);

Best Answer

If you have the Mapping Toolbox, you could initialize a mercator map, then use projfwd to get the x/y locations of the corner coordinates. If you need gridded x/y coordinates, you could then use
[X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(minx,maxx,cols),linspace(miny,maxy,rows))
where minx, maxx are the corner x coordinates and cols is the number of columns.
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