MATLAB: Memory leak with Mex


I am doing below in a loop with dims = [1024 768 256]
1. I want to read a set of block loaded by block_iter(1 to 16) into a RAM of Hardware. The memory call seems to display the memory leaking. Am I doing it wrong somewhere?
// Create memory for reading in data
mxArray *B= mxCreateNumericArray(3,dims,mxUINT8_CLASS,mxREAL);
mxArray *in = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
// See Memory usage
memcpy(mxGetPr(in), &block_iter, sizeof(double)*1*1);
// Read a block of 256 images of 1024*768. Even the temp variable is cleared in the dmd_feeder function
ram_fill(d,B); // As of now does nothing, its an empty void function and I would be replacing it to copy data to ram of hardware.
//Deallocate memory;
PS: The memory leak is around 192 MB each loop which is exactly the amount of data in array B

Best Answer

You are leaking memory behind the B mxArray. E.g.,
mxArray *B= mxCreateNumericArray(3,dims,mxUINT8_CLASS,mxREAL);
The mxCreateNumericArray call allocates memory for the mxArray B. The subsequent mexCallMATLAB call allocates a brand new mxArray B. The call itself overwrites the value of B with a new value. The currently existing B value from your previous mxCreateNumericArray call becomes lost and thus you leak the memory behind it (at least temporarily until the mex routine exits back to the calling function). You need to get rid of your mxCreateNumericArray call since mexCallMATLAB will allocate memory for the B result itself.