MATLAB: Memmpafile R2008b vs R2010b


I have a memmapfile object in Matlab R2008b. In the example below, the fileame has been redacted. I save the variable to a MAT-file.
>> mmf
mmf =
Filename: '\\...\ml3dtt-20120417T134720.mmd'
Writable: false
Offset: 0
Format: {'single' [1 32768 149] 'data'}
Repeat: Inf
Data: 1x1 struct array with fields:
>> save mmdtest mmf
Then I load the file in Matlab R2010b, and I get a warning and an empty memmapfile object.
>> load mmdtest
Warning: While loading an object of class 'memmapfile':
When constructing an instance of class 'memmapfile', the constructor must preserve the class
of the returned object.
>> mmf
mmf =
Filename: ''
Writable: false
Offset: 0
Format: 'uint8'
Repeat: Inf
Data: 0x1 uint8 array
Did something change between R2008b and R2010b? I searched the release notes and did not find anything.

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