MATLAB: Median Frequency

frequencymedianmedian frequencymfsolve

I am trying to use Matlab to find the median frequency of an EMG signal. The code I am using is below, and s is my signal. X is the frequency value I am trying to find so Z=P. Is there any solve function I can use to quickly find this answer or is guess and check my best bet? Or does anyone know an easieer method to find the median freq.?
>> Fs = 10000;
>> nfft = 2*nextpow2 (length(s));
>> Pxx = abs(fft(s,nfft)).^2/length(s)/Fs;
>> Hpsd = dspdata.psd(Pxx(1:length(Pxx)/2),'Fs',Fs);
>> plot(Hpsd);
>> P = avgpower(Hpsd)/2
>> Z = avgpower(Hpsd,[0,X])

Best Answer

If I understand correctly, you want to find the frequency below which you have 50 percent of the signal power. If that's the case, you can use spectrum object to calculate the periodogram and then use cumsum to get the cumulative power distribution. You then just need to find the frequency corresponding to the 50th percetile of the power distribution, using your parameters as an example,
h = spectrum.periodogram;
Hpsd = psd(h,s,'Fs',1000,'NFFT',2*nextpow2(length(s)));
Pdist = cumsum(Hpsd.Data);
Freq = Hpsd.Frequencies;
OverHalfIdx = find(Pdist>=Pdist(end)/2,1,'first');
UnderHalfIdx = find(Pdist<=Pdist(end)/2,1,'last');
MidFreq = (Freq(OverHalfIdx)+Freq(UnderHalfIdx))/2