MATLAB: Measuring distance using “pdist()”

astronomypattern matchingstars

Hi, I am relatively new to Matlab, and I have a question regarding the function pdist(), I have a following code:
% RA Dec
A = [00 08.2 +29 04
12 54.0 +56 00
12 55.4 +3 25
17 58.8 -9 46
18 05.6 -30 25
23 03.7 +28 04
23 04.6 +15 11
23 39.3 +77 36];
Ar = [A(:,1)+A(:,2)/60 A(:,3)+A(:,4)/60];
[X,Y,Z] = sphere;
[RAx,DCy,Zz] = sph2cart((Ar(:,1)*2*pi), Ar(:,2)*pi/180, ones(size(Ar,1)));
hm = mesh(X,Y,Z);
hold on
plot3(RAx, DCy, Zz, 'h', 'MarkerSize',5, 'MarkerFaceColor','b')
hold off
axis equal off
set(hm, 'EdgeColor', 'k', 'FaceAlpha',0.5)
distance = pdist(Ar,'euclidean');
Z = squareform(distance);
basically A is the right ascension and declination of a particular star, and I used the pdist(Ar,'euclidean') to obtain the distance between any 2 points.
The question is: Does the distance obtained by "pdist" equal to the distance between 2 points on a sphere or is it on a 2D plane?

Best Answer

You are taking Euclidean distance between two vectors (with assumed magnitude). You should probably be taking arccos of the dot product.