MATLAB: Measuring Binary Image Data


See attached file for my binary image. I have two questions:
Do any of you know how I can measure the more linear "body"? Right now my program is measuring the bottom cluster of pixels when I want it to measure the linear body.
My code for this:
labeledImage = bwlabel(binaryImage);
measurements = regionprops(labeledImage, 'all');
% Crop it to the bounding box.
bb = measurements.BoundingBox;
My other question is is it possible to just measure the right hand side of the linear portion of pixels and ignore the "tail end" on the left hand side where it makes a 90 degree angle?
If you need further details please let me know. Thanks!

Best Answer

Why don't you just crop off the bottom half of the picture, then call regionprops()? Or you can measure them all but just recognize which blob is the one you're interested in and ignore the rest. Looks like it would be blob #4 or 5 or so. But actually your program measures ALL blobs, not just the ones at the bottom - not sure why you thought that.