MATLAB: Measure angles between two vectors solely counter – clockwise

MATLABvector manipulationvectors

I have two vectors and I want to measure the angle between them. The first one lies solely along the positive x-axis, and the second one varies in a circle. When the angle between the two gets greater than 180 degrees, MATLAB starts to measure the angle clockwise, but I would like it to continue to measure the angle counter clockwise. (e.g, after 180, measure 190, 200 etc.. instead of 170, 160 etc..). Any workarounds? Stuff like atan2 doesn't work. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Hi Harvey,
It looks like you want the angle in degrees. For two dimensions, where the second vector has components x,y:
theta = mod(atan2d(y,x)+360,360)