MATLAB: Mean value of subarrays


I have a 3-dimensinal array ( 1483 rows, 417 columns and 4 bands). I am trying to get a mean value for each sub-array of 92rows*92columns. I have some zero values that I want to exclude when the calcualtion of mean is being done. I used the following code but it's not data type is uint32. i apperciate your help.

Best Answer

A couple of calls to convn. The first call will determine the number of zeros; the second will calculate the sum of all values in the sub array; array divide the second by the first.
If you don't want to do it to EVERY POSSIBLE subarray, use blkproc or blockproc with function handle
Also be aware that since your data type is uint32, if the sum of the 92*92*4 values exceeds 4,294,967,295 it will truncate to 4,294,967,295 and your mean will be wrong.
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