MATLAB: Mean of a 3D struct with 6 fields


I have a 3D struct with 6 fields.
The struct is a 17x10x16 and each field is a 1×10 array.
I want to calculate the mean of the 10 values in each field. Some of the 3D spaces are empty and needs to fill with NaNs.
So then I can create a separate 17x10x16 array for each field.
Thank you!

Best Answer

Letting YS be Your Structure,
fn = fieldnames(YS);
for K = 1 : length(fn)
fin = fn{K};
means.(fin) = reshape(mean(vertcat(YS.(fin)),2),size(YS));
This will produce a structure means with field names the same as the field names in YS, each of which is an array that is the mean of the field at the corresponding structure entry.