MATLAB: MCR using custom Java archives (jar)

javajavaclasspathMATLAB Compilermcr

I am trying to use deploytool to deploy an application with custom built java jar archives. The issue is that we include a bunch of jar files, and some of the jar files contain classes which override other jar files depending on the classpath order. For deploytool, is there anyway to include the jar files in the "Shared Resources and Helper Files" area but allow the correct ordering of the includes? Should I even be including the jar files in this area? I have the javaclasspath set before i run the deploytool build command, but it doesnt seem to use this list to control load order. I am currently using Matlab R2010b on Linux.

Best Answer

I don't have personal experience with this, but according to this solution, you need to modify the javaclasspath in the compiled application using the JAVAADDPATH command.