MATLAB: Maximum recursion limit when running a GUI

guiguideMATLABmaximum recursion limit

I keep getting recursion limit errors when trying to run my GUI from GUIDE.
I've commented out all the code i've put into callbacks so that the only code left is the basic GUI structure of callbacks and create functions etc.
However, this error still shows up and MatLab crashes.
I tryed to access the .fig file so that I could look at the GUi template and the same error occured then.
The whole script was working fine yesterday so I'm confused about what might have happened?
Any help would be fantastic

Best Answer

Scratch this, I've found my problem. Incase it helps others this was the solution:
the errors were based on three static text boxes which I had created a callback for and then deleted, so by creating a new GUI with a static text box and then copying/pasting the code over to this one and changing it's name the script was able to run again.