MATLAB: Max function in a for loop

cell arraysmax

Are we not allowed to use max function in a for loop? I have a 25×50 cell array A, and each element of A is a vector of various lengths.
for j=1:25
the length of the vector "temp" is different at each loop. at the second loop I get this error even though I can see a value in the Max column of workspace for temp.:
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
and it messes up the whole software because then I try:
>> xx=1:10;
>> max(xx)
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Does anyone know what is wrong? Thanks

Best Answer

You've used max as the name of your variable. DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!!! You've just blown away the max() function and now it thinks max is your array instead of the function.
for j=1:25
temp = A{j,20}; % cell2mat is not necessary unless A has another cell inside it.
[maxValue(j), indexOfMax] = max(temp(:));