MATLAB: Matrix-vector boolean comparison

booleanmatrix manipulation

I might be having a brain fart, but if I'm not…
I have a matrix M (mxn) and a vector V (mx1). On each row of M, I want to see how many elements are greater than the element on the corresponding row of V. That is, I want R, where
for i=1:m;
R(i)=length(find( M(i,:) > V(i)));
My question is – can I do this without a loop? Is there a one line operation for this? I know the loop in the example is trivial, but I'm trying to optimize code that takes hours to run and where I run through the loop many many times.

Best Answer

R = sum(bsxfun(@gt,M,V),2)
Also note, just preallocating R would save you a lot of time for large m.
R = zeros(m,1);
for ii =...
R(ii) = ...