MATLAB: Matrix summation within a loop

matrix summation

Hello Friends, I want to solve "Phi=Summation((1/ai^2)*V(:,i)*U(:,i)') for loop range i=1:100". At every iteration Phi is a 100×500 huge matrix.
How such huge matrix summation problem can be solve?
Any and all replies are really appreciated!

Best Answer

Phi2 = zeros(size(V,2),size(U,1));
for j1 = 1:size(V,2)
Phi2(j1,:) = 1/ai^2*sum(V(:,j1)*U(:,j1).');
without loop
Phi1 = 1/ai^2*sum(bsxfun(@times,permute(V,[2 3 1]),U.'),3)