MATLAB: Matrix Standard Deviation in 3D neighborhood

block operationdigital image processingnhoodstandard deviationstdfiltstrel

I have a 3D matrix (NxNxM) and I want to compute standard deviation in a sliding window of, say, 3x3xM which means a square window going across all the matrices (or slices) but sliding in 2D only? Can anyone help me on this.
stdfilt() does not do what I want. It computes a 3x3x(odd number) window standard deviation which is perhaps sliding in depth or 3rd dimension as well.
Best Regards

Best Answer

% I - your 3D matrix - array(NxNxM)
k = padarray(I,[1 1],'symmetric');
s = size(I);
out = zeros(s(1),s(2));
for j1 = 1:size(I,1)
for j2 = 1:size(I,2)
out(j1,j2) = std2(k(j1 + (0:2),j2 + (0:2),:));