MATLAB: Matrix of image, imagine processing toolbox

imageimage proccesing toolboxImage Processing ToolboxmatrixStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I am beginner in image processing toolbox, i have to use this image
how i create matrix of image, when I need only the points that are black so I could continue to work with the coordinates.

Best Answer

If the badly-named I matrix is already a binary image as you said, then you already have the coordinates as the binary image. In the event that I is really a gray scale image and not a binary image, you can turn it into a binary image (class will be "logical") by thresholding:
binaryImage = I < 127; % or whatever value is between black and white.
In the unlikely event that the binary image is not suitable and you really need vectors of rows and columns, you can do this to binaryImage:
[rows, columns] = find(binaryImage);
So rows(k) and columns(k) refer to the same pixel if k is the same. If you want in a single matrix, of (x,y) form, then you can do
xy = [columns, rows];