MATLAB: Matrix multiply with a function


i have two matrix with same columns and rows(matrix a and b). a is depth and b is land use index. each index value has a different equation and it is function of depth. i need to create a third matrix by substituting depth value to the functions.
depth d={2 3 4;7 2 5;1 2 5}
land use l={a b c;b c a;c b a}
I really appreciate your cooperation. Thank you

Best Answer

i = [1:3;2,3,1;3:-1:1];
k = [.5;.78;.1];
f = [3;4;8];
d=[2 3 4;7 2 5;1 2 5];
l = k(i).*d + f(i);
l = kron(k(i),d) + kron(ones(size(i)),f(i));