MATLAB: Matrix Indexing and manipulations

MATLABmatrix manipulation

I have 4 points with point ID A, B, C & D which is a 4 by 3 matrix (A_matrix), I want to manipulate it such that the resultant B_matrix is 6 by 6 matrix. Note, the B-matrix most follow the definition of point ID " From To " to enable further applications. Can somebody assist me, please.
x y z
A 593898.8877 -4856214.546 4078710.706
B 594576.9223 -4855007.836 4080036.446
C 593997.0267 -4854862.499 4080291.279
D 593319.2704 -4855416.031 4079738.306
From To X Y Z X Y Z
A B 593898.8877 -4856214.546 4078711 594576.9 -4855008 4080036
B C 594576.9223 -4855007.836 4080036 593997 -4854862 4080291
A C 593898.8877 -4856214.546 4078711 593997 -4854862 4080291
D C 593319.2704 -4855416.031 4079738 593997 -4854862 4080291
A C 593898.8877 -4856214.546 4078711 593997 -4854862 4080291
B D 594576.9223 -4855007.836 4080036 593319.3 -4855416 4079738

Best Answer

[A_matrix([1 2 1 4 1 2],:) , A_matrix([2 3 3 3 3 4],:)]