MATLAB: Matrix indexcing in compare with two matrices

matrix indexcing

I have 3 matrices:
m_z=[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
m_y=[19 6 21 16 5 17 3 25 9 20 8 24 15 11 12 4 23 7 14 13 18 2 1 10 22]
m_x=[9 13 14 17 1 2 3 8 21 6 11 12]
I want to run
except about the numbers that are in m_x. about these numbers, elemnts of matrix A must be zero.
Thank you very much

Best Answer

Wouldn't this do what you want:
m_z(m_x) = 0; %set elements m_x of m_z to 0 so when they're indexed by m_y they return 0
A = m_z(m_y);