MATLAB: Matrix having one row


I have the following problem: I would like to create a vecor of vectors containing pairs of numbers and then iterate through it. If I have a vector containing more than one pair, everything is OK:
x = [[-2, -1.5]; [-0.5, 0.5]; [2, 2.5]];
for i = 1:length(x)
%operations with x(i)
Unfortunately, if the input is a vactor containing only one pair, the program crashes:
x = [[-2, -1.5]];
for i = 1:length(x)
%operations with x(i)
I understand, why the program crashes, but I do not know, how to solve it. With other words: How can I design a general program, which works for both possibility without necessity of changing the loop?
Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

Avoid using LENGTH
Replace with
for i = 1:size(x,1)