MATLAB: Matrix from different expresions


I have a problem with this small program:
syms c h y
E_xi = input ('Enter the function for E: \n')
A_xi = input ('Enter the function for A: \n')
K_ = ((4*A_xi*E_xi)/L^2) * (L/2) * d
K = int(K_, xi, -1, 1)
When I enter numbers or variables for E and A: c, h, y – program creat right matrix. When I enter expression: for example x^2 + tk – program gives me error:
Enter the function for E in natural coordinates:
x^2 + tk
Error using input
Unrecognized function or variable 'x'.
Error in Untitled (line 2)
E_xi = input ('Enter the function for E: \n')
How to improve code so that program creat matrix from differnet expressions?
Thank you!

Best Answer

E_xi=str2sym(input('Enter the function for E: \n','s'))