MATLAB: Matrix filling with for loop

forfor loopMATLABmatrixsurface

Hi everybody. so i'm an ultra beginner in matlab and i need your help to find a solution to the problem i have.
i'm trying to make a very simple calculations for solid state physics, it should be something like z = constant * x/y , to plot a surface graph of z, to evaluate the applicability limits of my experiment. x and y are identical vectors from 1 to 100 in steps of 1. In my mind, i think I need to build a matrix where the elements cosists in all the possible ratios between the single elements of x and y, in order to obtain my surface. I think i need to employ a for loop but i'm a bit stuck on the syntax. is there anyone that can help me? many thanks Francesco

Best Answer

f = zeros (100, 100) %I create the matrix that will lately be filled with the values
Correct, but you don't have to define your x vector to do the for loop.
If you want to loop over 100 element in step of one, you can write it like :
for i=1:1:100
for i=1:100
Both solution are the same because default step is 1.
But you should start to write the program you want to use, and then convert it into Matlab language.