MATLAB: Matrix element changing with loop


I keep getting Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent error.
for k=1:61
A=[cosd(5) -sind(a); -sind(5) cosd(a)];
I don't get what I am doing wrong

Best Answer

5 is a scalar. A scalar has size 1x1.
On the second loop iteration a has size Nx2 (we don't know the actual size because you did explain what size angle is).
Then you calculate some trig functions using those 5 and a, giving 1x1 and Nx2 arrays. You then try to concatenate those arrays like this:
which is an error if N>1 because then the number of rows are different, which means that those arrays cannot be concatenated together horizontally:
  • To horizontally concatenate arrays they must have the same number of rows.
  • To vertically concatenate arrays they must have the same number of columns.
Check the sizes of the arrays that you are trying to concatenate and you will find that one/both of those conditions are not fulfilled.
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