MATLAB: Matrix dimensions must agree. How can i fix it

matrix error

BPR=linspace(0,100,1000); f=0.015; V0=300; Vu=600; Qf=45000000; RendimentoTH= 0.5*(Vu^2-V0^2)/(BPR.*f*Qf); xlabel('/BPR');ylabel('/RendimentoTH'); plot(BPR,RendimentoTH,'.-')
In line 6, when i try to plot, this error appear. How can i fix it? It's the first time that i use Matlab and Thank you for help

Best Answer

Hi Guiseppe,
You need to do ./ (dot divide) rather than / (divide). That way each element of the denominator is independently divided into the numerator.