MATLAB: Matrix comparison with unequal sized matrices

MATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematrix

Let's say I have:
A = [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]
B= [B1,B2,B4,B4,B5]
N = counter
If I want to:
  1. Compare B1 to A2. If B1 is greater than A2, increment N by 1. Else do nothing.
  2. Compare B2 to A3. If B2 is greater than A3, increment N by 1. Else do nothing.
  3. Compare B3 to A4. If B3 is greater than A4, increment N by 1. Else do nothing.
  4. Compare B4 to A5. If B4 is greater than A5, increment N by 1. Else do nothing.
  5. and ignore B5 since it has nothing to compare to
Is there a way to define above description in MATLAB…?
Thank you in advance

Best Answer

N = nnz(B(1:end-1)>A(2:end))
>> A = randi(9,1,5)
A =
2 5 7 2 6
>> B = randi(9,1,5)
B =
3 9 5 5 4
>> N = nnz(B(1:end-1)>A(2:end))
N = 2