MATLAB: Matrix C from A and B

c from a and bmatrixthanks

Hey again I want function that gives matrix C from A and B thanks
in fact if we have the same raw in A and B , we delete it and the result will be the matrix C

Best Answer

If your algorithm is to remove all rows that are common to A and B, and we are assuming that these two matrices have the same number of columns, then try the following:
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 20 30];
B = [11 12 13; 4 5 6; 14 15 16; 7 8 9; 17 18 19];
if size(A,2)==size(B,2)
% get the intersection of A and B, i.e. all those rows that are common
[Rows,IA,IB] = intersect(A,B,'rows');
% Rows is a matrix of the rows common to A and B
% IA is all the row numbers in A of those common rows
% IB is all the row numbers in B of those common rows
% remove all those common rows from A and B
A(IA,:) = [];
B(IB,:) = [];
% concatenate what is left to get C
C = [A;B];