MATLAB: Matrix and solve command, Why this is not working please help me.


syms u2 u3
A = [1.6 -0.4;-0.4 0.4];
B = [u2;u3];
C = [0;20000];
eqn = A*B == C;
S = solve(eqn,u2) %or S = vpasolve(eqn,u2)

Best Answer

You asked to solve two equations for a single variable. Except in some cases involving inequalities, you should ask to solve with respect to the same number of variables as there are equations, or else leave out the list of variables to solve for in order to solve for them all (which is only recommended if the number of variables and equations is the same.)
syms u2 u3
A = [1.6 -0.4;-0.4 0.4];
B = [u2;u3];
C = [0;20000];
eqn = A*B == C;
S = solve(eqn)
S = struct with fields:
u2: [1×1 sym] u3: [1×1 sym]
ans = 
ans =