MATLAB: Matrices with unknown elements multiplication

MATLABmatrix multiplicationmodified lu-decomposition

Excuse me i have a question
if i have a similar form of L-U decompostion which is LU=A such that L,U and A are all matrices while L and A are known
but unlike the usual case there is some known elements in the U matrix and i want to find the rest of unknowns in it
how do i do that in matlab please

Best Answer

Define the eements of the matrices in terms of symbolic unknowns. Then use solve to determine the unknown elements. Note that unless there are EXACTLY n^2 unknown elements remaining between the matrices L and U, your call to solve must fail.
Note: I can probably do this more efficiently, but...
L = tril(sym('L',[3,3]))
L = 
U = triu(sym('U',[3,3]))
U = 
U = U + diag([1 2 3]) - diag(diag(U))
U = 
So I have created unknown matrices L and U. I've arbitrarily set the diagonal elements of U to the numbers 1,2, and 3.
A = magic(3)
A = 3×3
8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2
Now, can we solve for the remaining unknowns, such that L*U = A?
syms L1_1 L2_1 L3_1 L2_2 L3_2 L3_3 U1_2 U1_3 U2_3
LUparams = solve(L*U == A)
LUparams = struct with fields:
L1_1: [1×1 sym] L2_1: [1×1 sym] L2_2: [1×1 sym] L3_1: [1×1 sym] L3_2: [1×1 sym] L3_3: [1×1 sym] U1_2: [1×1 sym] U1_3: [1×1 sym] U2_3: [1×1 sym]
L = subs(L,LUparams)
L = 
U = subs(U,LUparams)
U = 
Was I successful?
L*U - A
ans = 
Look at that. I got lucky.