MATLAB: Matlab2018a compile C++ opencv

mex compileropencv

I have use a code from a paper and it need matlab complie C++ function and call opencv 2.4.9. But it failed, my system is 64-bit Windows Operating System,my matlab version is 2018a and I have install the Mricrosoft Visual C++ 2017, look the picture. But when I complie the .cpp is failed. The errors are like this 'undefined reference to `cv::Mat::deallocate()' . It seems can not find the opencv? Anybody can figure this problems ,thank you very much.
The compile commad is
mex generateEllipseCandidates.cpp -IF:\OpenCV\opencv2.4.9\build\include -IF:\OpenCV\opencv2.4.9\build\include\opencv -IF:\OpenCV\opencv2.4.9\build\include\opencv2 -LF:\OpenCV\opencv2.4.9\build\x64\vc11\lib -IF:\Matlab\settlein\extern\include -LF:\Matlab\settlein\extern\lib\win64\microsoft -lopencv_core249 -lopencv_highgui249 -lopencv_imgproc249 -llibmwlapack.lib

Best Answer

it is success, the compile command is error ,delete the '.lib' is right
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