MATLAB: MATLAB won’t plot the graph


%Forced Vibration Project 3.2
%Define values
omeganought = 1.1;
m = 0.3;
F = 0.5;
t = linspace(0, 2*pi / ( abs(omeganought - omega) / 2 ), 250 );
%Predefine Consant
Constant = ( F / (2*m*omeganought) );
%Lines and Curves
FA = Constant * t;
FB = (-1) * Constant * t;
FC = Constant * t * sin( omeganought * t );
%Plotting the graphs
Plot (t,FA,t,FB,t,FC);
This is a Script I wrote to plot a graph on MATLAB. I don't know what I'm doing at all and I basically just copied the same format that my friend used for a different graph on the same project. Can anyone explain what I did wrong here? Thanks

Best Answer

Please paste in the entire error message you get (i.e. everything from the command window that is in red font).
I can see three errors:
  1. You have not defined the variable omega.
  2. You tried to use the command "Plot" rather than "plot". MATLAB is case sensitive.
  3. You need to use .* rather than * to multiply the vectors in the definition of FC.
When I fix those things (with some arbitrary value for omega), I get output.