MATLAB: MatLab While loop indexing

while loop

I am learning while loop in MATLAB.
I got an assignment where I have to figure out how many times loop was executed.
Is there any way to do this?
my code is following:
while Balance < 1000000
Balance= 10000+Balance*(1+0.06)
This assignment require user to figure out how long will it take to reach 1million dolloar when its initial balance is 10000 and the annual compound interest was given as 6%.
I am not even sure if I created the right loop but trying to figure out how many times loop would execute if that loop is executed.

Best Answer

Add a counter to your loop. Initialize the counter to 0 and add 1 to it within the loop. E.g.,
counter = 0;
% other stuff

while (whatever condition)
% other stuff
counter = counter + 1;
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