MATLAB: Matlab upgrading from 2011b(32bit) to matlab 2017b(64bit)

MATLABMATLAB Compilersimulink

I have a compiled simulink model in Matlab2011b 32bit version (windows 7 OS) . Now I upgraded my Matlab to 2017b 64bit version(Windows 10 OS) . Can I use my model with out any modifications in it or will it cause any errors or issues while compiling or building?

Best Answer

You will need to reconfigure the target at the very least. If you have a "project" then you might need to recreate it (that is, tell MATLAB which files belong as part of it.)
The internal methods for specifying compilers have changed quite a bit since R2011b.
You will need to use a different compiler than in R2011b. If you were using a Visual Studios Professional compiler before and are using a newer Professional version now, then you might not notice much change (though if you have C code as part of the component, you might need to specifically tell VS to install the C compiler.) If you were using STK 7.1 or lcc before you will notice changes.
If you used some of the Simscape libraries, then because some of them have merged or been renamed a couple of times, you might need to have it search to restore library links.
Simscape is slow to cut off backwards compatibility, so the model itself will probably still work, but not always .
It is recommended that you use the Upgrade Advisor to see what changes should be made to your model for newer versions.
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