MATLAB: MATLAB : update plot with a pushbutton


I have a figure with a graph and 2 different plot on this graph. I add an edit text with a push button in my figure near my graph.
Button_app=uicontrol('Parent',fig,'Style','pushbutton','String','Ok','Units','normalized','Position',[0.82 0.4 0.1 0.03]);
edit=uicontrol('Parent',fig,'Style','edit','String','','Units','normalized','Position',[0.82 0.45 0.1 0.03]);
And I would like the user write a number in the edit text and update one of my plot (by adding this number in each value of this plot). But I don't know how to do it ? I have a function callback when I push the button but I don't know how to get the value when the user write in the edit text.
Thank you in advance,
Best regards

Best Answer

If you simply want to know how to get a value from an editbox then:
newVal = str2double( edit.String );
(Don't call your varaible 'edit' though - this is a builtin function and even if it is not a function you intend to use just don't get into the habit of overwriting function-names with variables).
As far as updating your graph goes, the user just enters a single number? So is this just expected to be appended as a y value and an x value created just as the next increment of x?
One way to do this fairly neatly is to keep the handle of your original plot e.g.
hLine = plot(...);
Then edit the 'XData' and 'YData' properties with the new data e.g.
xData = get( hLine, 'XData' );
yData = get( hLine, 'YData' );
set( hLine, 'YData', [yData newVal], 'XData', [xData xData(end) + 1] );
Unless you have a large amount of data you could probably just delete the graph and replot the whole thing too, but I prefer to just edit the existing line object in such cases.