MATLAB: Matlab UDP Recieve Error


I'm running FlightGear simulation software and output some variable data through UDP on the loopback address, port 1234. Using the SocketTest application I can see the data being received however I would like to do this through Matlab which is running on the same PC.
I try to run the following:
u = udp('localhost',1234,'localport',1234);
u.InputBufferSize = 1000;
u.DatagramReceivedFcn = @localReadDatagram;
My issue is that I always get the error: "Unsuccessful open: Address already in use: Cannot bind ", can anyone help?
Thanks, Joe

Best Answer

You should probably use a different localport unless the receiving software insists that the transmitting port be 1234 . localport is the port number that data is transmitted from.
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