MATLAB: [Matlab – Time series tool] How to read IE cross-correlation

[matlab - time series tool]Deep Learning Toolbox

Hi, I am new in this community, so nice to meet you.
I am using Neural network tool in Matlab, in particular I am using time-series-tool, but I would like to know a correct way to read :
Input-Error Cross-correlation ( plotinerrcorr)
Error correlation ( ploterrcorr)
Can you help, me please?

Best Answer

If a net accurately models all of the salient deterministic characteristics of an input-output relationship, the error will not be significantly correlated with the input and the cross-correlation function will be indistinguishable from that of the input and random noise.
If a net accurately models all of the salient predictive characteristics of a time series lag relationship, the error will not be significantly autocorrelated and the auto-correlation function will be indistinguishable from that of random noise.
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