MATLAB: Matlab time cell with 1 second interval

time celltime intervaltime series

I have one problem with date cell, I want the date in 1 second interval:
start_date=06-Jul-2011 15:20:00
end_date=06-August-2011 15:25:00 interval = 1/60/24/60; % 1 second date = datestr(start_date:interval:end_date);
However it is too slow… I think it maybe easy if just by filling in all time with 1 second interval… Is there any other way?
Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

start_date='06-Jul-2011 15:20:00'
end_date='06-Aug-2011 15:25:00'
n = datenum({start_date;end_date},'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS');
k = floor(diff(n)/(1/24/3600));
n1 = num2cell(datevec(n(1)));
s = datenum(n1{1:5},(0:k)');
out = datestr(s,'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS');