MATLAB: Matlab System Error: Access violation

access violationmatlab system error

MATLAB crash file:C:\Users\h_huel05\AppData\Local\Temp\matlab_crash_dump.5508-1:
Access violation detected at Mon May 22 22:01:19 2017
Crash Decoding : Disabled - No sandbox or build area path
Crash Mode : continue (default)
Current Graphics Driver: Unknown software
Default Encoding : windows-1252
Deployed : false
Graphics card 1 : NVIDIA ( 0x10de ) NVIDIA GeForce GT 740 Version
Graphics card 2 : Intel Corporation ( 0x8086 ) Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 Version
Host Name : D-1210W08
MATLAB Architecture : win64
MATLAB Entitlement ID: 780494
MATLAB Root : C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a
MATLAB Version : (R2017a)
OpenGL : software
Operating System : Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Processor ID : x86 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine : Java 1.7.0_60-b19 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
Window System : Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
Fault Count: 1
Abnormal termination:
Access violation
Register State (from fault):
RAX = 0000000000000000 RBX = 0000000010ec4650
RCX = 0000000010facbd0 RDX = 0000000000000008
RSP = 000000003077f700 RBP = 000000003077f800
RSI = 0000000000003840 RDI = 0000000000003840
R8 = 000000000f348ef0 R9 = 000000003077f8e0
R10 = 000000003077f8e0 R11 = 000000003077fc50
R12 = 7ffffffffffffffd R13 = 7fffffffffffffff
R14 = 0000000000000000 R15 = 7ffffffffffffffe
RIP = 000000000cba3b93 EFL = 00010202
CS = 0033 FS = 0053 GS = 002b
Stack Trace (from fault):
[ 0] 0x000000000cba3b93 bin\win64\pgo\m_dispatcher.dll+00474003 Mdispatcher::is_help_file+00000623
[ 1] 0x000000002424ad1c bin\win64\matlab_startup_plugins\lmgrimpl\libmwlmgrimpl.dll+00371996 JitLauncher::operator=+00262124
[ 2] 0x000000002429e96f bin\win64\matlab_startup_plugins\lmgrimpl\libmwlmgrimpl.dll+00715119 us_bundle_activator_instance_com_mathworks_lmgrimpl+00125199
[ 3] 0x00000000242cd9e4 bin\win64\matlab_startup_plugins\lmgrimpl\libmwlmgrimpl.dll+00907748 us_bundle_activator_instance_com_mathworks_lmgrimpl+00317828
[ 4] 0x00000000242d0c3a bin\win64\matlab_startup_plugins\lmgrimpl\libmwlmgrimpl.dll+00920634 us_bundle_activator_instance_com_mathworks_lmgrimpl+00330714
[ 5] 0x000007feecb0b903 C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\bin\win64\boost_thread-vc120-mt-1_56.dll+00047363 boost::thread::swap+00000083
[ 6] 0x000007fef36f4f7f C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\bin\win64\MSVCR120.dll+00151423 beginthreadex+00000263
[ 7] 0x000007fef36f5126 C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\bin\win64\MSVCR120.dll+00151846 endthreadex+00000402
[ 8] 0x00000000775059cd C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll+00088525 BaseThreadInitThunk+00000013
[ 9] 0x000000007773a561 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+00173409 RtlUserThreadStart+00000033
If this problem is reproducible, please submit a Service Request via:
A technical support engineer might contact you with further information.
Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

Apparently the bug is a well known issue in Matlab 2017a. After installing the hotfix from matlab does not crash anymore.
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