MATLAB: Matlab style: should table names be capitalized


In Elements of Matlab Style, Richard Johnson recommends capitalizing structure names to distinguish them from variables. Now that tables have been introduced, should table names be capitalized for the same reason? I am writing code that will be shared with users who are unfamiliar with tables, so I want to make things easier for them if possible.

Best Answer

I agree with Adam (whose comment above should have been an Answer). I use camelCase for all variable names regardless if it's a double, a table, a structure, or whatever. I don't know why a structure name would need to be distinguished from other types of variables. Variables come in all types from simple double scalars to more complicated arrays and structures, to even more complicated classes. I don't know why it would help to change capitalization since you need to know what kind of variable it is in the first place just to use it. However most of the other recommendations are good, such as using descriptive variable names, avoiding cryptic code, using lots of comments, using proper indentation, a line of code should contain only one executable statement (despite the fact that he himself violates it in the document), etc. Loren Shure also has a blog entry:
I usually use snake_case for m-file names for my demo scripts, but not often for variable names.