MATLAB: Matlab Solve a system of equations for a set of data

equationMATLABmatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulationsystem of equations

So i want to solve this strain, stress problem by knowing 2 out of 6 unknowns and the 4 equations i need. I have a set of data for ex28 and ey28 of 9 values. I am noob to matlab and I started to write a code to solve it as follows:
E=73*10^9; v=0.33;
ey28=-1 *10^-6;
syms sigmax28 sigmay28 ez28 sigmaz28;
sol28=solve([eqn1, eqn2,eqn3,eqn4],[sigmax28,sigmay28,sigmaz28,ez28])
When solved, I get a 'struct' with very large numbers, so I have the feeling I am doing something wrong. I also could not figure out how to get the values from the struct without doubleclicking on it on the variable tree
I am also finding this process of going value by value very tedious, is there a way I could make the whole system of equations at once?
Thanks for throwing some light on it 🙂

Best Answer

You get huge numbers, because you are trying to use symbolic tools here, but with double precision numbers. See what happens here:
x = (sqrt(5) + 1)/2
x =
>> sym(x)
ans =
At that point, x is just a number. You and I happen to know where it came from, but MATLAB does not. So in order to do exact arithmetic on it, the symbolic toolbox converts the floating point number to a ratio of integers. You can always convert a result to a floating point number using double, or to a floating point high precision number using vpa.
ans =
ans =
Don't trust those extra digits that vpa yields here, because there were only roughly 16 significant digits to start with.
ans =