MATLAB: Matlab simulink


I have established a library in simulink which has some blocks such as A,B,C,D and so on. In every block I have added a "toworkspace"before out(because I need every export data of every block ).When I creat a system use these blocks just one time,I can get what I want.But if a block appears more two times in this system ,the data will overwrite each other in workspace.How can I do? I don't want to modify its name( to workspace) in blocks every time to change.

Best Answer

The 'To Workspace' block will write to the MATLAB base workspace. Given multiple 'To Workspace' blocks with the same variable name, they will all write to the same variable in the base workspace in the same order as the Block Sorted Order.
There is no workaround to this using the 'To Workspace' block. The best option would be to turn on Signal Logging for the line whose signal you wish to log. The Simulink.DataLogs object that is created, retains each signal in a separate 'sub-object'.
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