MATLAB: Matlab Runtime 9.0.1 32bit

MATLAB Compilermatlab runtimeMATLAB Runtime Server

im using Matlab R2016a on my maincomputer and created an executable file from an .m file.
I wanna use it on a different computer, but its a 32bit system. The readme from the file creation tells me i need at least Matlab Runtime 9.0.1 to start the executable file.
Is there any chance to get a 32bit version of Runtime 9.0.1?
"MATLAB Compiler
1. Prerequisites for Deployment
. Verify the MATLAB Runtime is installed and ensure you
have installed version 9.0.1 (R2016a).
. If the MATLAB Runtime is not installed, do the following:
(1) enter
at MATLAB prompt. The MCRINSTALLER command displays the
location of the MATLAB Runtime installer.
(2) run the MATLAB Runtime installer.
Or download the Windows 64-bit version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2016a
from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to

Best Answer

"Is there any chance to get a 32bit version of Runtime 9.0.1?"
Yes, you could purchase Mathworks itself (the entire company) and order them to develop it. Mathworks is, however, a private company that is not known to be for sale.
I also like to say that offering Mathworks a $US 5 million non-refundable deposit will get you a meeting to discuss your request. Perhaps they'd be willing to develop the version for (say) $US 45 million.
But short of these things: NO. Mathworks actively intends to never produce another 32 bit version. For example, you should expect that there is effectively no chance that Mathworks will ever create MATLAB to run natively on Arduino or Raspberry Pi -- not until 64 bit versions of those become available.
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