MATLAB: MATLAB ResizeFcn callback fails


I am editing a GUI written in MATLAB and have a line in the OpeningFcn that sets the callback for resizeing the figure.
set(hObject, 'UserData', handles.ParentFig, 'ResizeFcn',@cbFigResize, 'CloseRequestFcn', @Cancel);
The callback is pasted below with much edited out for simplicity.
function cbFigResize(src,evt)
% check if figure width is less than 600

if fpos(3) < 600
%set min. width to 600

fpos(3) = 600
%check if figure height is less than 560

if fpos(4) <560
% set minimum height to 560

fpos(4) = 560;
My coworker runs Windows XP and an earlier version of MATLAB. I run Windows 7 and MATLAB Now when he resizes figures they always resize properly. When I run the same code I can sometimes get the figure smaller than the above set minimum width and height limits. My coworker says it is a Windows 7 interrupt problem. If anybody else out there has this problem he found a simple but illogical workaround which I will post below.
function cbFigResize(src,evt,doStop)
if nargin < 3
doStop = false;
% check if figure width is less than 600
if fpos(3) < 600
%set min. width to 600
fpos(3) = 600
%check if figure height is less than 560
if fpos(4) <560
% set minimum height to 560
fpos(4) = 560;
if ~doStop
You can see that this function calls itself with a flag that stops if from becoming an infinite loop. And now I cannot resize windows below the minimum. Has anybody any insights into this behavior?

Best Answer

This is not a valid definition of the ResizeFcn:
'ResizeFcn',@ResizeFcn',@cbFigResize, ?!
You can use this to limit the figure size:
jFrame = get(handle(gcf), 'JavaFrame');
jProx = jFrame.fFigureClient.getWindow();
jProx = jFrame.fHG1Client.getWindow();
jProx.setMinimumSize(java.awt.Dimension(600, 560));