MATLAB: Matlab R2012b – Java Exception, Error Starting Desktop


Hi folks,
I updated my Matlab R2012b on my Ubuntu system (11.04). The installation process went smoothly, but when I want to start Matlab, I encounter the following error, before the programm shuts down.
java.lang.runtimeexception: std::exception for "matlab.desktop.currentfolder.GroupColumn": Cannot write to the level specified even after multiple times of retry. It'S mostly due to no write permission.
It seems to be a rights or ownership problem because if I start Matlab with the sudo command, it starts up fine. I could not find the libary or the file Matlab tries to edit. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Most likely you don't have write permissions on your preferences directory. You can determine the location of the MATLAB preferences folder by running the PREFDIR command at the MATLAB prompt. If for some reason you're unable to fix the permissions, you can try changing the prefs directory location: