MATLAB: Matlab Pool Error

matlabpoolparallel computing

Hello! I have windows 7 64 bit and i am using matlab R2010b x64.
I have tried to open a matlabpool with the command:
matlabpool open 4
It fails and I got the message:
??? Error using ==> matlabpool at 133
When I do validation 'local' in configurations manager I saw the next text in configuration validation details Validation Details
Configuration: "local"
Type: local
Stage: Find Resource
Status: Passed
Description: Validation passed
Command Line Output: (none)
Stage: Distributed Job
Status: Passed
Description: Validation passed
Command Line Output: (none)
Stage: Parallel Job
Status: Failed
Description: The given stage reached the default or user-specified timeout.
Command Line Output: (none)
Error Report: (none)
Debug Log:
[0] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed.
[2] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed.
[3] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed.
[1] MATLAB is running in headless mode. Figure windows will not be displayed.
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[1] To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
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Any help would be appreciated

Best Answer

write this in the command line
a= findResource;
cd a.DataLocation
delete *.mat
and then run matlabpool open again.
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