MATLAB: Matlab-Plotting a probability matrix


I would like to produce a scatter plot of the data below. The first column is the x axis and the first row would be y axis. I would like to produce a scatter plott with their respective value. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Try this:
D = readmatrix('New_MP_CS.csv');
x = D(2:end,1); % Original ‘x’ Vector

y = D(1,2:end); % Original ‘x’ Vector
M = D(2:end,2:end); % Probability Matrix
[r,c] = find(M>0); % Indices Of Non-Zero Probabilities
xv = x(r); % Corresponding ‘x’ Values
yv = y(c); % Corresponding ‘y’ Values
zv = M(M>0); % Corresponding Vector Of Non-Zero Probabilities
stem3(xv, yv, zv, ':.') % Optional, Helps Locate Scatter Points
hold on
scatter3(xv, yv, zv, 5, zv, 'filled') % Color Points By ‘z’ Values
hold off
axis([min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y) zlim]) % Set Axis Limits