MATLAB: Matlab Numerical integral improvement

integral; numerical issue

Hi, I have the integral below:
F_A_I=@(x) besselj(1,x.*3.5).*besselj(1,x.*0.5);
But Matlab said:
Warning: Reached the limit on the maximum number of intervals in use. Approximate bound on error is 1.7e+00. The integral may not exist, or it may be difficult to approximate numerically to the requested accuracy.
while Mathematica can give the answer straightforward A=0.0205664
Could you please help me to improve my code. Thanks

Best Answer

Updated answer for R2017b. Use int and convert the symbolic solution to floating point.
>> syms x
f = int(besselj(1, x/2)*besselj(1, (7*x)/2),x,0,inf)
f =
-(4*(100*ellipticE(1/49) - 99*ellipticK(1/49)))/(21*pi)
>> f_dbl = double(ans)
f_dbl =
>> f_vpa = vpa(f)
f_vpa =
OLD ANSWER from 13-Feb-2017
The convert to double using "double".