MATLAB: Matlab .net assembly symbolic toolbox

chardeploytoolerrornetsymbolicvisual c++

Hi all,
Here is what I've done:
  1. Used Matlab>deploytool>.net assembly to create a dll
  2. Added reference to all the required files in C#
  3. Ran a program using a matlab test function for adding numbers which ran correctly
The problem I'm facing is with the symbolic toolbox of matlab. I wrote a simple function for solving two equations and return a logical value if there is an intersection between the curves.
function Range = MatCurveIntersection(Curve1,Curve2 )
c1 = sym(Curve1);
c2 = sym(Curve2);
%Solve the two equations
%Check to see if the two curves intersect
Now, when I run the C# program, i get an error: "undefined function or method 'sym' for input arguments of type 'char'"
  1. The code runs correctly in Matlab
  2. Verified that the versions of Matlab and symbolic toolbox match
  3. Verified the existence of sym.m
I cannot figure out what the problem is. Help Please!

Best Answer

This doc page states that the Symbolic Math Toolbox cannot be embedded into a compiled application/assembly.