MATLAB: MATLAB: NaN problem with heat transfer program


Hi I am working on a program to calculate the heat lost by a pipe while water is traveling through it.
Here is the code
WaterTemperatureCelcius = [0.01 10:10:100];
WaterTemperature = WaterTemperatureCelcius+273.15;
WaterDensityMatrix= [916.8 999.8 998.3 995.7 992.3 988 983 978 972 965 958];
WaterDynamicViscosityMatrix = [1.78 1.31 1.00 0.798 0.653 0.547 0.467 0.404 0.355 0.314 0.281];
WaterKinematicViscosityMatrix = [1.792 1.304 1.004 0.801 0.658 0.553 0.474 0.413 0.365 0.326 0.295];
KWaterMatrix = [-0.07 0.088 0.207 0.303 0.385 0.457 0.523 0.585 0.643 0.665 0.752];
PrWaterMatrix = [13.67 9.47 7.01 5.43 4.34 3.56 2.99 2.56 2.23 1.96 1.75];
CWaterMatrix = [4.21 4.193 4.183 4.179 4.179 4.182 4.185 4.191 4.198 4.208 4.219];
AirTemperature = 100:50:500;
AirDynamicViscosityMatrix = [0.6924 1.0283 1.3289 1.488 1.893 2.075 2.286 2.484 2.671];
AirKinematicViscosityMatrix = [1.923 4.343 4.49 9.49 15.68 20.76 25.9 28.86 37.9];
AirDensityMatrix = [3.601 2.3675 1.7684 1.4128 1.774 0.998 0.8826 0.7833 0.7048];
KAirMatrix = [0.009246 0.013735 0.01809 0.02227 0.02624 0.03003 0.03365 0.03707 0.04038];
PrAirMatrix = [0.770 0.753 0.739 0.722 0.708 0.697 0.689 0.683 0.680];
PipeTemperatureMatrixCelcius = [-100 0 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1200];
PipeTemperatureMatrix = PipeTemperatureMatrixCelcius+273.15;
KPipeMatrix = [87 73 67 62 55 48 40 36 35 36];
Two = input ('Guess the outside temperature of the pipe wall (K): ');
Twi = input ('Guess the inside temperature of the pipe wall (K): ');
Tm = input ('Guess the temperature in the middle of the flow (K): ');
Do = input ('Please enter the outside diameter of the pipe (m): ');
Di = input ('Please enter the inside diameter of the pupe (m): ');
Flow = input ('Please enter 1 for laminar flow and 2 for turbulent flow: ');
Tinf = 266.48;
Vinf = 6.7056;
Tin = 372.04;
L = 30.48;
dx = 0.1;
ivalue = L/dx;
Pi = 3.141593;
TTest1 = 1;
TTest2 = 1;
TTest3 = 1;
Tx = Tin;
Ai = Pi*Di*dx;
Ao = Pi*Do*dx;
for i=1:ivalue,
if i == 1
if i > 1
Tx = Tout;
while (abs(TTest1-Two) > 0.001) && (abs(TTest2-Twi) > 0.001) && (abs(TTest3-Tm) > 0.001)
disp(['Two is ' num2str(Two)])
disp(['Twi is ' num2str(Twi)])
disp(['Tm is ' num2str(Tm)])
Tfo = (Two+Tinf)/2;
Tfi = (Twi+Tin)/2;
PipeTemperature = Two-Twi;
WaterKinematicViscosity = (interp1(WaterTemperature, WaterKinematicViscosityMatrix, Tfi))*(10^(-6));
WaterDynamicViscosity = (interp1(WaterTemperature, WaterDynamicViscosityMatrix, Tfi))*(10^(-2));
WaterDensity = interp1(WaterTemperature, WaterDensityMatrix, Tfi);
KWater = interp1(WaterTemperature, KWaterMatrix, Tfi);
PrWater = interp1(WaterTemperature, PrWaterMatrix, Tfi);
CWater = (interp1(WaterTemperature, CWaterMatrix, Tfi)*1000);
AirKinematicViscosity = (interp1(AirTemperature, AirKinematicViscosityMatrix, Tfo))*(10^(-6));
AirDynamicViscosity = (interp1(AirTemperature, AirDynamicViscosityMatrix, Tfo))*(10^(-5));
AirDensity = interp1(AirTemperature, AirDensityMatrix, Tfo);
KAir = interp1(AirTemperature, KAirMatrix, Tfo);
PrAir = interp1(AirTemperature, PrAirMatrix, Tfo);
KPipe = interp1(PipeTemperatureMatrix, KPipeMatrix, PipeTemperature);
if Flow==1
ReDi = 2000;
hi = (4.363*KWater/Di);
ReDi = 5000;
hi= (KWater*0.023*(ReDi^0.8)*(PrWater^0.3));
Vm = (ReDi*WaterKinematicViscosity)/Di;
ReDf = Vinf*Do/AirKinematicViscosity;
disp(['ReDf is ' num2str(ReDf)])
disp(['ReDi is ' num2str(ReDi)])
disp(['hi is ' num2str(hi)])
if 0.4 < ReDf <= 4
elseif 4 < ReDf <= 40
elseif 40 < ReDf <= 4000
elseif 4000 < ReDf <= 40000
elseif 40000 < ReDf <= 400000
disp(['c is ' num2str(c)])
disp(['n is ' num2str(n)])
NuDf = c*(ReDf^n)*(PrAir^(1/3));
disp(['NuDf is ' num2str(NuDf)])
ho = NuDf*KAir/Do;
MassFlowRate = WaterDensity*Vm*Pi*Di*Di/4;
disp(['Mass flow rate is ' num2str(MassFlowRate) ' kg/s'])
q = (Tx-Tinf)/(((1/(ho*Ao))+((1/(2*Pi*KPipe*dx))*log(Do/Di))+(1/(hi*Ai))+(1/(2*MassFlowRate*CWater))));
TwoNew = ((q/(ho*Ao))+Tinf);
TwiNew = (q*(log(Do/Di))/(2*Pi*KPipe*dx))+TwoNew;
TmNew = Tx-(q/(2*MassFlowRate*CWater));
disp(['TwoNew is ' num2str(TwoNew)])
disp(['TwiNew is ' num2str(TwiNew)])
disp(['TmNew is ' num2str(TmNew)])
TTest1 = Two;
TTest2 = Twi;
TTest3 = Tm;
Two = TwoNew;
Twi = TwiNew;
Tm = TmNew;
Txdx = (2*TmNew) - Tx;
Tout = Tx + Txdx;
q1 = ho*(Twi-Tinf)*Ao;
q2 = (Twi-Two)/((1/(2*Pi*KPipe*dx))*log(Do/Di));
q3 = hi*(Tm-Twi)*Ai;
q4 = MassFlowRate*CWater*(Tx-((2*Tm)-Tx));
disp (['The value of q1 is ' num2str(q1) ' W'])
disp (['The value of q2 is ' num2str(q2) ' W'])
disp (['The value of q3 is ' num2str(q3) ' W'])
disp (['The value of q4 is ' num2str(q4) ' W'])
disp (['The value of q5 is ' num2str(q) ' W'])
I keep getting NaN output for the temperature, which stops the loop
Guess the outside temperature of the pipe wall (K): 320
Guess the inside temperature of the pipe wall (K): 330
Guess the temperature in the middle of the flow (K): 340
Please enter the outside diameter of the pipe (m): 1
Please enter the inside diameter of the pupe (m): 0.9
Please enter 1 for laminar flow and 2 for turbulent flow: 1
Two is 320
Twi is 330
Tm is 340
ReDf is 451765.1016
ReDi is 2000
hi is 3.0572
c is 0.989
n is 0.33
NuDf is 64.8209
Mass flow rate is 0.51629 kg/s
TwoNew is NaN
TwiNew is NaN
TmNew is NaN
The value of q1 is NaN W
The value of q2 is NaN W
The value of q3 is NaN W
The value of q4 is NaN W
The value of q5 is NaN W
Any advice on solving this would help.

Best Answer

Your PipeTemperature is 320 - 330 = -10, which is outside of the range of your PipeTemperatureMatrix, so the interp1() returns nan for the interpolation yielding KPipe.