MATLAB: MATLAB MySQL Database connection error

connectdatabaseDatabase ToolboxjdbclinuxMySQL

I have followed the MySQL Connector documentation for installing the driver and setting it up. Using the Database explorer, I have added a configuration data source called localdb. I have also created a database and a table with sample insertions into it. use the the Database explorer, I have verified that I am able to successfully use the configurator and run all kinds of DB queries.
While running inside the MATLAB,the following is my sample code snippet:
conn = database('localdb','root','');
selectquery = 'SELECT * FROM <Table Name>';
data = select(conn,selectquery)
On executing the code in MATLAB, I get an error stating that
Error using database.odbc.connection/select (line 74)
Invalid connection.
When I see the conn.Message, I get the following string:
ans =
'ODBC is not supported on Unix. Please use a JDBC driver.'
My localdb data source has been configured a JDBC data source only and not as ODBC. I am running it on Ubuntu 18.04
The documentation for running the connection is also mentioning as given above.
Can someone please provide a clue on what is wrong here?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

In order to specify JDBC, add key-value pairs to database function (ref: document).
conn = database('localdb','root','', 'Vendor','MySQL', 'Server','localhost', 'PortNumber', 3306);
You can omit Server and PortNumber when the database server is localhost and port number is default.
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