MATLAB: Matlab max array size


Hello everyone. I use matlab for data classification. When i try to create samples array, i get 'out of memory' error. The array size is 25920×1296 data dype – double. So it takes 268.7 Mb. How can i change max matlab array size? Or why this error occurs? I tried to change type of array to int or single, but it didn't works.

Best Answer

Technically, 25920-by-1296 is 256.3Mb, but let's not quibble over a few meg :)
If you're on a Windows machine, type memory to see what the maximum available variable space is. MATLAB doesn't restrict arrays -- it's really a restriction of your system. So unless you can clear up space in some way, your only option is to crunch down the data or add more memory.
That said, look at doc memory for some ideas.
How are you creating the array? When you say you tried to change type, how did you do that?